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Whole Foods: What You Should know Prophetically....

"Whole Food", has now in my experience become "Fragmented-False Food"!

Be aware of "Whole Food's- it has a branded most of its foods as "365" label, which leads me to believe that it can control it's branding of food and comply with the New World Order.

Millions have subscribed to this marketing in the name of "looking for healthier foods - ensuring a badge that they are eating healthier."

"Fragmented Foods", is now selling questionable foods that certainly require the buyer to READ LABELS and investigate the sellers, whose brands being represented in this Babylonian Market!

From GMO meats to Salads brands of products that demonstrate a rubber texter; that requires food to be overly chewed to digest.

Whole foods have now implemented the palm scanner to gather bio metrics for shopping in their demonic stores.




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