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The Blinded Prophet: A Title and No Message

Are you a carrier of a title or a message? Did you know that God's Prophets have a voice? A Voice that God gave them. But how is it in this hour that many prophets are blind, deaf and dumb to that which is of God, His heart beat, His message? 2015, the Word was to the "Prophets", many that say they are of God. Many have been left with a title and no message, nothing to say, or at least to those that desperately want more of God and the message that the Father has brought to the earth through, His Son Christ Jesus,The Gospel of The Kingdom of God!

Many of the "prophets" in this hour have become blinded by the world and the world in the church and have strayed from ever being used by God. Mouths tainted to match their hearts, fumbling around in the dark, when there is LIGHT.

"Many "prophet's would be marked in this hour, nothing to say", the Lord said. Simply using a gift on "auto-pilot"; it works, but no back up from a True and Living God, one that endorses His message.

It's time to cry out blinded prophet, there is still hope!

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