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The Tares are being Identified And Removed !

It is becoming clearer and clearer, WHO the Tares are in this hour. It can be a bit alarming that they were not easily identified until- NOW!

Matthew 13:24-30

According to the above scripture- there is coming a separation of the Wheat and The Tare....can I tell you something? WE ARE HERE NOW!! This is also called the Great Harvest!

Matt. 13:30―The wheat and tares are to grow together until the time of harvest. The tares will be gathered together first in bundles to be burned, then the wheat gathered into the barn.

Although there is much to say about this Harvest, I want to focus on there Tares.

The harvest takes place in two phases . . . first fruits of the harvest gathered in when the tares are removed, then the sickle can be put to the grain and the rest of the harvest takes place. •

Rev. 14:14-16―there will be two reapings:

One of the first fruits, then one for the second fruits. In these verses we see the Son of man reaping in a harvest.

As much as we want to believe that the Tares are of God- they Simply are not- and can not be. They have to be removed- and they will be removed FIRST!

Separating the Tares, is a task only for the Angels of The Mist High. No one else can do that in this hour. The work of separation is given to the angels of God and is not committed into the hands of any man.”

Rev. 14:14-15―the third angel separates the wheat and tares .

Take a look at this profound Definition of a Tare:

[ Tares ] the bearded darnel, mentioned only in Matthew 13:25-30. It is the Lolium temulentum, a species of rye-grass, the seeds of which are a strong soporific poison. It bears the closest resemblance to wheat till the ear appears, and only then the difference is discovered.

I want to point out several things here.

  • The Tares are "seeds planted by the enemy"

  • They have a strong soporific Poison ( tends to produce drowsiness or sleep) Sound familiar ?

  • They look like wheat, until the "ears appear"- they can't hear is what I got in the spirit.

  • It is when the ears appear, the difference is clearly seen!

  • (Matthew 13:24–30, 36–43)

The wheat is being gathered out from the tares in this hour. The disclosure is startling!



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