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The Line of Demarcation has Been Drawn

For several years now, The Holy Spirit has been warning about this "Dividing'. It is His nature to warn a far off, so when the time arrives, either many are prepared or they are not.

Demarcation is HERE!

Demarcation Defined:

The setting or marking of boundaries or limits. - A separation; a distinction: a line of demarcation between two .to mark boundaries : , to mark !

2020 ushered in this Demarcation of those that were and those that were not His. It is clear that many have not understood just what this is and how serious it is.

As we have entered into the Tribulation period the arguments of those that have been blinded by the enemy is gut wrenching, so much so..... it is hard to be around them. In fact, the sheer fact they are blinded -a line of DEMARCATION has now been drawn.

No matter how much you love them, you want to hear them, the time has come to leave them alone and move on. It is like in the movies when a person keeps falling and something is coming, you can not keep going back to try to help them up. The weigh of them is too much to carry and at some point you have to move on and continue. The hard part is, that many are going to die with them as they refuse to Trust God and keep moving.

Many have decided by their actions, decisions, feelings, and the like- which will cause them to be harmed in this hour. YOU can not participate!

Although this realization is hard- it is time to see the LINE OF DEMARCATION and move from that place, to save your oil and your soul. We are HERE!!!!

The Son of man shall send forth his angels, and they shall gather out of his kingdom all things that offend, and them which do iniquity;- Matthew 13:41

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