The Jabbed/Swabbed Are Manifesting Their Mark- Under The Right Lighting!
For those that have been watching as well as praying, clearly understand the times we are living in. However, and for the ones the Bible calls the "wicked" do not see nor do they understand. Neither, have they sought to understand. - Daniel 12:10
It is a scientific FACT, that those that have been jabbed with the Covid-19 bio-weapon, gene editing, DNA rewriting technology, are now starting to show signs, under certain lighting, the markings in your body.

It has been proven over and over again that the element that makes a "glow" under the skin from the deadly jab, is exposed by 380 and 450 nm, purple lightening/black light, aka visible violet light, 415 nm and 495 nm as ultraviolet LED- has the ability to expose the iridescent glow of "luciferase".
Luciferin (luminescent substrate) and luciferase (enzyme) are crucial for bioluminescence (BL) detection, allowing for highly selective luminescence detection of target proteins and cells.
Take a Read >>>>> New COVID-19 Antibody Test 'Glows' When Antibodies Are Present (
Please NOTE the mockery, and the enemy telling those that can see, just what this is: This is already in progress, not coming!
"How the Test Works
The test, called SATiN = (they mean SATAN IN)....which stands for Serological Assay based on split Tripart Nanoluciferase), <<<<<< (they just told you what is in it) uses an enzyme called luciferase (the same enzyme that makes fireflies glow"
This further explains, why cities across the US and the world, have started the phase of the installation of purple and blue lights. These lights are being deployed on street corners, freeways and other copious places, of heavy flow of traffic of crowds and the masses.
Many are unaware of this diabolical plan, as they were deceived into allowing access, into their blood streams; and will refuse to believe anything thereafter. - 2Thessalonians 2:11-12
Get the FACTS: A Voice Heard In The Heavens (
Thank you for such great insight!