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The Hive Mind-

Definition: Hive Mind - a large number of people who share their knowledge or opinions, producing collective intelligence.

“These have one mind and shall give their power and strength unto the beast.” Revelation 17:13

Although this scripture is in reference to the kings of the earth and the kingdoms present in these dark days...."this having one mind" is very key in understanding this Hive Mind.

We have entered into an unprecedent time, that will affect all- whether we are aware, understand it or not. There will be no "free passes" given to anyone because ignorance or lack of understanding.

Only those that have prepared themselves and have anchored their souls will be given to stand.

This Hive Mind is HERE NOW and being implemented on those that have not separated themselves from this present system.

Make it your point to seek to replace smart phones, social media and the like to start your migration, away from these end- time harmful, in roads of this demonic intrusion.

Take a look at this information video.... for further awareness: >>>>> Brighteon

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