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A Sign to the People....Says The Lord!

Dear Deceived Christians: You have entered into their New World Order...which means everyone that is apart of that system, will reveal themselves....Marked!

The Image of God (their faces) is covered up for those that have a form of "godliness, but deny The Power thereof" ( their "form of godliness, has no power) ~2 Timothy 3:5

Many of you, not all- have yet a short time to REPENT and Come out of her my people so that you are NOT hit with her plagues, (because judgment is HERE!)~ Revelation 18:4

Come out of the face diapers. aka- "Muzzled" seek God and believe Him as your Healer over a "FLU" not dependence on this 💉!!! when other plagues are coming!!! -Palm 103:3

Side Note: This FALSE LEADER- Bishop Norton has revealed himself- while leading others down the WIDE WAY OF DESTRUCTION- to follow The Beast System because "his church" is a 501c3= Bought by the Government! ( ATL- never set right with me, a wasted and desolate land)

HEAR THE WORD OF THE LORD: "Every "man-made church that does this' will be A SIGN to the people, that they are apart of The Beast System"

Many of YOU are following false leaders.....Blind leading the Blind= all fall in ditches going to HELL! Do not follow leaders that put YOKES ON YOU!

~Kingdom Management- Office of The Prophet ~Monetcielle

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