"Pastor" John Gray- Regrets Taking The Clot Shot!
It's been well over a year now, that this experimental jab aka. "a vaccine" surfaced globally.
According to The Word of God Pharmakia , would be the end- of days deception -
Revelation 18:23- Sorcery = Pharmakia .
This same serpent that beguiled God's original creation in the Garden of Eden, now has resurfaced in the end of days- to once again defy God!
Millions now dismissing their choices, as personal, and refuse to face the deadly consequences, that are clearly being seen everywhere.
The CDC made its recent announcement that "Covid-19 was nothing more than the flu"
Many now bitten by the serpent, are asking "what was I injected with? " As the side effects and the death toll rises," Pastor" John Gray is now too, asking the same question.
Take a look >>>>>>> Brighteon