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Millions Have Taken The Abomination !

Sadly, many professing believers I KNOW, have been divorced from God at the cellular level.

They were ripe for deception and now unredeemable. Matthew 24: 42-43

Time after Time, I've had to take an account and inventory of hundreds of people that I know, that have been lost to this deception. Revelation 18:23

What's stranger, is that these individuals are still running around doing ministry; and in spite of them knowing "something is not right", they keep moving with the realization not clear....YET, that they have been cut asunder- Their temples broken into and sadly, ripped asunder by the enemy. DNA rewritten, to write YAH'S name out of their genetic code= Book of Life Revelation 20:12 /Revelation 14:8

Then there is another class of people that mentally can not cope, that their loved ones and friends have taken The Abomination....and refuse to deal with it. Matthew 10:37

Horror floods my soul for these individuals, that the unthinkable has occurred, and that a strong delusion has been assigned to them.

They are now stuck in this delusion of NOT KNOWING AND UNABLE TO SEE THIS! - 2 Thess 2:11/ Revelation 14:9


I have something you need to see and hear: ⬇️⬇️⬇️


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