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In The Right Hand OR in.... THE FOREHEAD !!!!

And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, OR in their foreheads:

The Holy Spirit has been faithful to disclosed to His People, The Remnant of His Seed, the times that we are currently living in.

Many have failed to discern "The Mark of The Beast"! It is Only the working of The Holy Spirit that can disclose this complicated matter as, this Mark is both spiritual and physical. It has several meanings, that if one is not His true Seed, Sealed and name written, he/she will fail to discern it.

This Mark is either in the "right" hand - (the whole limb). A place of authority. One has given his or her authority or an agreement to allow and proceed. Agreement with this system and it's dictates.


The Mark is in the Forehead: unsealed, unenlightened by God and their thoughts are unregenerated and given over to their flesh.

When I understood that this Mark would not just be in the limb but also "IN" the forehead, my eyes were open!

It was there The Holy Spirit began to speak.

Revelation 15: 2- tells us that we must gain Victory over several components of the Beast:

And I saw as it were a sea of glass mingled with fire: and them that had gotten the victory over the beast, and over his image, and over his mark, and over the number of his name, stand on the sea of glass, having the harps of God.

This clearly explains that this Beast System is complicated and must be overcame to various degrees.

Receiving the Mark IN the forehead was a mind blower for me, as many that claimed "I'm not taking that shot"

(Yes, it is the Mark of the Beast- do your research-Revelation 18:23) but did not realize, that if you allowed the testing, you were marked in your forehead! It was right there, I was sadden! Warning family and friends that I later discovered, had indeed taken this "mark" or been "marked" in their foreheads and they all knew, something is not right. Many later sickened, others- mind/brain issues...ect.

Let's take a closer look...

PCR test is not an accurate test for something none of us have isolated as "covid". If we were aerosol, (sprayed on and breathed in) and we were, of course a man-made intruder will kill millions! By the way, there is more to come. But we can agree that this "demand" to be tested was in overkill.

  • Test for fear you might have it.

  • Test to keep your job.

  • Test to travel.

  • Test to do just about everything.

They knew that this would be for the "vaccine hesitant"- and millions fell for it. Not to mention, those that will continue to cover their faces with masks- EVEN TILL THIS DAY!

But more than that, what was deposited into the cribriform plate, of the nasal passage of millions?

The question is.....the same deadly ingredients in the vial.

Here is your research:

Take a Listen: Brighteon

Take a Listen: Brighteon

Take a Listen: Brighteon

The Word of Prophecy tells us in the end-times, that nations would be decieved.....method: Sorcery= Pharmacia- Revelation 18:23

Let's look further....

After reviewing the videos above, and from various separate sources, there was indeed a hidden agenda for this push for "testing"!

My personal observation: As a Natural Dr. I have address several of my clients that have come to me because of "nose bleeds" that they started having after being tested with these "nasal vaccines"; not to mention they came down with illnesses, after being tested. Sound familiar?

Here is what I know:

The Cribriform Plate (which separates the nasal cavity from the brain is aka=olfactory foramina in the Greek "sieve" meaning: separate or remove.

Epistaxis, known as a bloody nose, a nasal hemorrhage, is what many are having. But why?

Causes of Epistaxis:

  • Vascular anomalies

  • Infection and inflammatory states of nasal cavity

  • Neoplasm and foreign bodies

  • infection-Inflammation of the mucosa

Has ALL been caused by the tainted swabs!

However, It is common to blame nose bleeds on hypertension, just to name one common excuse.

But when you have never had nose bleeds before the testing, let's think this out.

Cribriform plate, which is a bone between the eyes and located deep in the skull and sits in the seat of the FOREHEAD!- a pathway to the blood brain barrier!

In mammalian anatomy, the cribriform plate (Latin for lit.sieve-shaped), horizontal lamina or lamina cribrosa is part of the ethmoid bone. It is received into the ethmoidal notch of the frontal bone and roofs in the nasal cavities. It supports the olfactory bulb, and is perforated by olfactory foramina for the passage of the olfactory nerves to the roof of the nasal cavity to the brain.

The need to "test" millions was nothing more than cooing of more souls to their agenda, causing all to receive a Mark, in their limbs or in their foreheads!

The Forehead....if you look closely to this picture below, I placed arrows to point to the form and surrounding to the Cribriform plate.....and a closer picture to the left.

Look at it's form ( the presence of and a Sovern being like/ figure and it's position in the forehead- it's Seat...The Forehead.

After the Disclosure of The Holy Spirit, I became deeply sadden in my spirit, as I realized that MILLIONS, were Marked in their foreheads.

I was further troubled that many that I knew, loved ones and close friends, and those professing Christ, was not His.

This introduced a new line of understanding of being "Marked". Sadly, I have been grieved in my spirit that MANY too, have fallen to this deception and they TOO took The Mark of The Beast, so many have failed to discern.

Masks and being tested, is based on FEAR and many fulfilled this scripture:

But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death. Revelation 21:8

3 Key Words:

  1. Fearful, (many professing "christians" followed the dictates of the Beast System, forgetting scripture application;

  2. Abominable ( those whose flesh has now been corrupted and turned into constant replication of disease and illness) and;

  3. Sorcerers, those that use and are sorcerers - in the Greek (pharmakeía).a person using drug-based incantations or drugging. One who prepares or uses magical remedies; a sorcerer: a druggist ("pharmacist") or poisoner, i.e. (by extension) a magician -- sorcerer. And those the use sorcery as a form of healing, proclaiming they hey "have been healed" when no such healing happens to mankind, until they have address and taken ownership of their part in the violations done in the flesh; via gluttony, unforgiveness, fornication=(mixing blood lines), the use of chemical drugs, eating abominable meats ect. All such "healing" is sorcery, by passing the Order of God, that we would repent for our ways and not "medicate" our wrongdoing. Revelation 18:23.

The Mark of the Beast is a Mark for those that no matter how much they profess Christ, believe that they are healed , have changed ownership. And, have through deception, applied no research, neither the Counsel of God; and have sadly corrupted their flesh!

Spiritual blindness has caused them to keep moving, believing that they are serving God, while dying in their flesh- caused by "synthetic proteins" injected into the human Temple. Such injections are causing them to forever be unable to "get well", as they are now possessing a "volitation in their flesh". The Laws of The Body will say so!

I see the Mercy of God- that if many knew that they were deceived into taking, this nanoparticles-technology injected, as a weapon for the activation of ongoing sickness and disease, aka The Mark of The Beast- many would lose their minds!

The Destroyer comes to kill, steal and destroy- to stand in the 3rd Temple and declare himself as god. The new owner of those that now have a deposit of synthetic satanic disease replicating Dna through... transfection.

-Prophet Monetcielle



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