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U.S- Cities Being Prepared for Antichrist/AI - Las Vegas Has Received its TAG!

Months ago, The Spirit of God revealed that cities were making structural changes for the New World Order. October, I received an impression. that cities are being prepared for the Antichrist/AI- the man of sin. His ability to "control" the masses as a Sovreign being. The AI technology will give that Beast system the ability to do this.

Here is the recent city that has received it structural change to accommodate the Beast!

Las Vegas received the Sphere: an All-Seeing Eye! AI presence in Las Vegas, is preparing this city for the Antichrist!

Las Vegas has been MARKED....what has your city prepared?

There is MORE than meets the eye.... This "Eye" omits thousands of waves of frequency to run it's all-seeing eye- that extend for miles away; of which, adversely affects the frequencies of the human body energy field. =You are electrical!

The eye is not always open. It opens and closes: day it is closes and at night it opens- as shown in the picture.

Its' energy fields display geometric patterns and pictures that all have subliminal meanings to the human naked eye, observing it.

It is like a big global fortunate telling ball, presenting its demonic vibes.

Creating a wave of emotion shifts and changes to those that watch it, for any lengthen of time.

Take a look here: ⬇️⬇️


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Nov 27, 2023
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