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The Gospel that Many Have never heard

The Gospel, that MANY have Never Heard...... if you're hungry, go eat!

Mark 1: 14-15

Matt 4:23

Luke 4:43....Christ and His disciples preached a Gospel BEFORE the "death burial and resurrection"

So when John the Baptist announced that the Kingdom of God was at hand, he meant that God’s rule was just about to break into the world through the Messiah. When Jesus Christ Himself preached and proclaimed the Gospel of the Kingdom of God, He meant that in and by Himself, God was exercising His power and authority in a redemptive way against all the evil in the world!

So, then The Kingdom of God is the rule of God manifested in Christ to bring redemption to the earth. No wonder the Kingdom is the central theme of the New Testament!

It baffles me that MANY have not heard this Gospel inspite of it's presence right in the Bible. It then confirms to me, that this is indeed a revealed matter.

He that has an EAR, let him Hear!

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