Have You Found The Treasure?
The Kingdom of God and it's Gospel is sought out. It governs and consumes your everyday life. After all, Jesus's entire life was consume with it......this "Message of The Gospel of The Kingdom of God"
Jesus even cited that is what he was sent here to do. (Luke 4 :43)
I get leary of Christians that say "oh I know about the Kingdom" but there is no continuous reference about it. Many kingdoms are present, as anything of God, is duplicated by the enemy.
Jesus likened the Kingdom of God, unto a Treasure (Matthew 13: 44). When we speak of "treasures" we have started to tap into something, very valuable.
But why is it that those that say they know about the kingdom are not proclaiming or publishing it?
When I came in contact with the Gospel of The Kingdom of God, my entire life flipped upside down, literally. I first became very excited and overjoyed then, I became very sorrowful. This overjoyed was that, this was indeed a treasure that had been right before me, however I never noticed it. In fact I could not see it in plain sight, of my natural eye gate. This Treasure, had to be revealed.
I became extremely sorrow and immediately picked up the heart of The Father. Many did not understand the message that Christ proclaimed in His earthy ministry, that was given by The Father. A message of Hope to dying mankind. The sorrow continues till this day and will continue as I carry this message to those that are the lost, even in the "church".
This Treasure once found, will cause you to lose sight of anything else, in fact it cleanses you from any and everything that is unrighteous in your life.
It is a teaching Gospel, that literally disciples you so that you grow and disciples others.
Ask The Father for THIS treasure, I promise you will KNOW that you have it