What Your "Church Gospel" is Lacking....
What many people have accepted without question as the gospel offers no solution to humanity's sufferings, frustrations, and perpetual troubles. The true gospel Jesus brought.... proclaims the solution to the world's troubles, but men rejected that gospel (right in your own church) and crucified Jesus for preaching it!
Millions of people today believe on Christ ~they believe that He lived, died for our sins, and was resurrected - bu...t they do not believe His gospel because most have never heard it! They have heard of Christ ~ of what He did ~ but not His message of how to solve all of mankind's troubles and how to receive eternal life with joy, abundance, and accomplishment. Thus, millions have been deceived into believing a false gospel that does not lead to salvation.
God's message is called "the gospel of the Kingdom of God" because that is the goal that He wants us always to focus on. He wants it to come immediately to mind that we are headed toward His Kingdom. We not only have to know that it is coming, but also what we must do to prepare ourselves for it. God calls it by what it ends with, what it will produce - the aim, the result.
Tired of being sick, broke, busted and disgusted? and at all times telling others that you are "blessed and highly favored", it 's time to come clean that your visits to Church every Sunday' and Wednesday is NOT THE ANSWER, to what ills YOU. Christ message to mankind is HOPE and first by believing the message He brought.