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Separation of The Wheat & Tares


Many are already feeling the separation of the Wheat & Tares. While many are the Tare and can not describe this plucking up of them, yet there are those at the same time feeling the separation from those, that must be moved out of the way. A strategical process that has to be done by and through The Holy Spirit alone.

Prior to the return of Christ, God will bring forth a company of prophets who will be His threshing sledge and winnowing fork in His hand (Is. 41:16; Mat. 3:12) to execute this judgment of the household of God, which will be the final separation of the wheat from the chaff. They are coming, and believers and ministers alike must begin to adjust their attitudes and allow their minds to be enlightened by what the Bible has to say about these very necessary and valid ministries,... lest they find themselves fighting against the very plans and purposes of God, and therefore — God Himself.

Until now, the Lord has tolerated a lot within the Body of Christ that He does not intend to tolerate forever. Judgment within "the household of God" (the Church) will precede judgment of the world (1 Pet. 4:17). Thus, He is gradually bringing forth His prophets to a place of real function in which they will be performing without constraint (save that of the true nature of the love of God) the six-faceted ministry of prophets, i.e., to: 1) pluck up, 2) break down, 3) destroy, 4) overthrow, 5) build, and 6) plant (Jer. 1:10).

Just as God raised up Elijah to bring to nought the influence of the false prophets of Baal, so also shall He bring forth prophets of power and judgment within the Church who will cause the kingdom of God to suffer violence, and these "violent" prophets of God shall exert the authority of God, in some cases by force over entities and elements within the domain of God which have been resistant to the will and purposes of God.

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