Christs' Resurrection in Light of The Kingdom of God!

Christ's Resurrection in Light of The Kingdom of God! An Understanding that a Religious pagan focus, has caused many to miss.
Christ Rising would have been impossible had He not fought the most crucial battle in the wilderness, for ruler-ship of all time...... The Kingdom. Satan and his demons have had dominion over mankind’s kingdoms, governments and systems. This world belongs to the devil; and man’s carnal nature, which is naturally hostile to God and His laws This battle was about ruler-ship. Satan knew Christ was destined to establish God’s government on Earth and rule all nations. In this “present evil world” (Gal. 1:4) of man’s 6,000-year history, the nations, kingdoms, governments, laws, practices, traditions, systems, cultures and societies are influenced by and belong to “the great dragon…that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceives the whole world” (Rev. 12:9). As the “prince of the power of the air” (Eph. 2:2), the devil broadcasts wrong attitudes, thoughts and emotions, which translate into perverse language and conduct in the lives of an unsuspecting humanity. When Christ successfully defeated His adversary, He qualified to rule over the kingdom of God, the divine government He will establish on the earth to produce true and lasting peace, equity and prosperity for all! THAT IS WHY HIS RISING IS OF GREAT IMPORTANCE TO ME. Understanding The Kingdom of God and it's Gospel, brings man back to center and focus to the Heart of the Father.